How Long Can You Store Wine at Room Temperature?

Some people have a very extensive wine collection. Do you know how long you can store wine at room temperature? We looked into storing wine at room temperature and found that some people have been storing their wine incorrectly for years!

You can keep wine stored at room temperature for months if it’s protected from direct sunlight and air. In fact, a number of professional winemakers have found that keeping wine at room temperature will improve the flavor over time.

How Long Can You Store Wine at Room Temperature

How Long Can You Store Wine at Room Temperature?

A wine lover must know that there are certain rules that must be followed when you want to store wine at room temperature. Otherwise, your wine may spoil and you will get a bad taste in your mouth.

So, if you are interested to learn how long can you store wine at room temperature, then keep on reading the article.

Storing wine at room temperature

Wine lovers can store their wine for a long time in the refrigerator. But storing wine at room temperature is the most convenient option. So, what are the main advantages of storing wine at room temperature?

Wine gets better and better as it ages

As the wine gets old it will become darker and more robust, but you can store wine in a cool place to keep the color and flavor. If you store wine in a refrigerator then you need to change the wine on regular basis to avoid spoilage.

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Red wine is stored longer than white wine

White wine contains less sugar than red wine, so it is the best option for storing your wine at room temperature. Red wine contains more sugar and this makes it taste better when stored at room temperature.

Wine should be stored in a dark place

You may not know but your wine will start aging as soon as you open it. So, if you want to keep your wine for a long time then you need to store it in a dark place. So, if you want to store wine at room temperature then make sure that you store it in a cool and dark place.

How long will your wine last?

As with any good question, there isn’t a straight answer here. Some wines are best stored at room temperature while others are better kept in the refrigerator.

Red wines tend to be better when chilled than white wines. You should consider how you plan to use your wine and whether you prefer the flavor of your wine to develop at room temperature or if you’d like it to be cold.

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The right answer depends on the quality of the wine, the condition of the bottle, and how long the bottle has been stored. Wine should be consumed within one to three weeks after bottling.

Most boxed wines are designed to last one year unopened. While some will last longer than that, most are good for several weeks if stored in a cool, dry place. After that, they should be stored in the refrigerator.

How can I tell if my wine is bad?

If the cork is raised, that’s a sign that the wine is overheated.

If you pour your favorite wine into a glass and notice that it looks brown and cloudy or dark yellow, it’s a good indication that the wine has probably gone bad.

A bad wine will smell musty if you don’t take a sip. Pour the bottle out and try the next one if the wine tastes sour and musty.

If you pour a glass of wine and notice bubbles as you lift the glass, it may mean that it is a bit stale. In fact, even if the wine is still a little bit wet, it can still release some bubbles.

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How to extend the life of wine with a few simple steps.

If you are worried about keeping your wine longer, you can take several actions to prevent it from going bad.

Don’t allow wine to change its temperature, and store it at the correct temperature. The temperature shouldn’t vary in excess of a couple of degrees, and wine should be put away at 55 degrees Fahrenheit.

The legitimacy of the stickiness should be maintained. Oxygen can get in and ruin your wine if the region you store your wine in isn’t adequately muggy.

Store your wine evenly, so the wine contacts the stopper and keeps it wet.

Get your wine far from daylight or direct sunlight.

Try not to move it to an extreme. Some wine enthusiasts believe that vibration makes substance responses that make the wine age quicker.

Can I serve wine at room temperature?

The temperature at which you serve your wine will depend on the type of wine. There is no “one size fits all” solution. It’s best to experiment with your favorite wines until you find the perfect serving temperature for them.

Sweet white wine like Moscato ought to be refrigerated to 45 – 50 degrees Fahrenheit while a drier light white ought to be served around 50 to 55 so they can come right out of the basement.

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Medium-bodied reds like merlot can likewise be served straightforwardly from the basement, while all the more full-bodied reds like cabernet ought to be brought to room temperature prior to serving. Red wines should be opened an hour prior getting a charge out of to circulate air through.

Some wine aficionados likewise propose emptying the wine into a decanter from a distance to support the air circulation process.

Where would I be able to store my wine?

Wine is one of the most adaptable cocktails you can drink, and it’s particularly fun when it’s benefit. With every one of the various ways you can appreciate it, it very well may be befuddling to realize which is the correct method for putting away it.

Home wine cellar

It seems like a fantasy, and for the vast majority, this is illogical, however many houses as of now have a wine basement worked in; they simply don’t have any acquaintance with it. Numerous incomplete storm cellars are amazing wine basements as they stay cooler than the remainder of the house, are regularly the best stickiness, and have practically no daylight.

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Wine cooler

A more functional choice for most families is a committed wine cooler. These fridges are made to save the ideal temperature and mugginess for wine and reach in cost from a couple hundred to two or three thousand dollars.

Proficient wine cellar

Proficient wine basements are springing up all around the country as they fill in ubiquity. These wine basements permit you to store your wine at their office for an ostensible month-to-month expense per bottle.

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Store or pour?

Assuming you are anticipating drinking your precious wine soon, there is not a great explanation that you have not to stored it at room temperature. You will need to change the temperature prior to serving. Assuming you are hoping to keep your wine long haul, look into other capacity choices; they might be more advantageous than you suspect.

How Do You Store Wine For Years?

There are a couple of steps you can take to ensure your wine will keep going for quite a long time. The first is to store it at the legitimate temperature either in the ice chest or cooler. Additionally, limit openness to daylight and UV light which will make oxidation after some time that leads flavor misfortune.

Finally, remember regarding oxygen safeguards! These little bundles forestall oxidation by eliminating any remaining surface-bound oxygen atoms from saturating the jug’s substance since they’re made of iron powder responsive with free revolutionaries like O₃²⁺ without changing their sub-atomic design because of hotness or dampness as different techniques frequently do.

Do You Have To Refrigerate Wine After Opening?

No. Wine shouldn’t be refrigerated in the wake of opening, however, it is best put away at a temperature somewhere in the range of 45ºF and 55ºF without any more than 60% mugginess.

Actually, take a look at your refrigerator’s wine storage cabinet for the right temperatures! You can store an opened jug of liquor in there without stress over harming the flavor or quality as long as you don’t open that specific container again within 90 days of first putting away it.

How Does Heat Damage Wine?

Heat is an enemy of wine. Like with every compound response, heat speeds up the maturing system. Presently this could appear to be something worth being thankful for, similar to goodness yippee, my wine will mature sooner and I don’t have to stand by 10 years.

No, it’ll mess up every one of the flavors and synthetic mixtures, as well. Heat speeds up oxidation in wine. While minuscule measures of oxygen at an at once to a wine maturing, it totally annihilates wine in enormous dosages.

How Does Light Damage Wine?

Have you at any point asked why a few wines come in dull glass bottles? It’s to shield it from the harmful impacts of the sun. Daylight and, surprisingly, light from a light revamps the synthetic mixtures in the wine giving it a frightful taste and smell.

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For white wines, the wine might change the tone to dull goldish brown, as well. Whites and rose wine are the most powerless to “light strike” but then they are generally bundled in clear containers. Has neither rhyme nor reason.

How Does Oxygen Damage Wine?

As I momentarily referenced above, when a container of wine gets too hot it expands the pace of oxidation. Oxygen can likewise kill your wine another way; through the plug.

We’ve seen that wine bottles are generally laid on their sides and not upstanding, here’s the reason. The wine should be in steady contact with the plug to hold the stopper back from drying out and contracting.

Assuming the container is upstanding, and the stopper contracts, more oxygen gets into the jug. Oxygen in little portions is great, that is the manner by which wines improve with age. Oxygen in huge portions will make your wine smell and taste dull.

How Does Vibration Damage Wine?

Presently vibration isn’t the greatest arrangement with regards to wine capacity, particularly with wines that are being put away the present moment, yet it is something you need to stay away from with any wines you’re expecting to put something aside for quite a long time into the future.

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The vibration will keep dregs from getting a comfortable in one spot. At the point when you empty an old wine, you tap it to eliminate silt. You can’t do that assuming the wine has been stirred up and the silt is drifting out of control. Silt isn’t terrible for you, it resembles espresso grinds, innocuous however the surface is unpleasant.


There are certain rules that must be followed if you want to store wine at room temperature. But if you follow these rules, then you can store your wine for a long time. So, if you have any doubts about storing wine at room temperature, then share your experience with us.

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